Esther Bible Study

An Esther Bible study by necessity is unusual. This is due to the fact that Esther is one of the odd books of the Bible.

Most books in the Bible have a readily apparent purpose. For example, Genesis is a book of beginnings. Deuteronomy is a re-statement of Exodus. Revelation is obviously prophetic. And so it goes.


Then there are books like 3rd John, Jude, and Esther that seem oddly out of place in the canon of scripture.

So then an Esther Bible Study has to examine what the book adds to our understanding of God and the manner in which this is accomplished.

The book of Esther is unusual for what it is not in it. For example the Name of God is never mentioned. By contrast the name of a heathen king is mentioned 192 times. Prayers are not made.

Esther is quoted no where else in scripture. This book is also unusual in that it is one of two in the Bible named for a woman. The other is Ruth.

So what does this odd little book named for a woman add to the unfolding revelation of God? Despite the fact that God is never mentioned Esther quietly speaks of the Divine Providence of God.

Herbert Locker said, "The fast moving action in this drama is eloquent with the overruling providence of God in bringing Esther to the throne for such a time." [1]

Indeed the key verse in this book is: "Who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this?" Esther 4:14 (KJV)

"Providence is the means by which God directs all things; animate and inanimate; seen and unseen; good and evil toward a worthy purpose, which means God's will must ultimately prevail." [2]

A recent Hollywood movie based on the book of Esther entitled, "One Night With The King" failed to do justice to God's providence. The movie portrayed the connection between Esther and the King as a love story. It may very have been, but not likely. And in the process of romanticizing Esther's story very real ability of God to provide in a crisis is over looked.

An Esther Bible study of events leading up to her spending one night with the king suggests that the king was a despotic, tyrant, in a highly male dominated society.

What is it called when virgin young girls (women) are removed from their homes for a one night stand with the king. And said king will choose the one who "pleases" him most.

Whether it is physical force or the authority and power of high office, rape is still rape.

This is important. Because put in its proper light we begin to appreciate, even more, the providence of God. In other words, everything isn't peaches and cream in life. But God is still able.

An Esther Bible Study reveals that sometimes God's people endure difficult and unpleasant trials to accomplish the purposes of God. This is hard to accept and still trust the almighty, still trust in divine providence. Yet, this trying of faith result in victories not possible by any other means.

An Esther Bible study vividly underscores ways in which God directs the universe. Providence means "to provide." One of God's many names is Jehovah Jirah, meaning God will provide.

"Providence means that the hand of God is in the glove of human events…He is the coach who calls signals from the bench. Providence is the unseen rudder on the ship of state…As someone as said, "He makes great doors swing on little hinges."" [2]

What makes an Esther Bible study great is that just like God is never directly mentioned in the book of Esther and there are no prayers made to him; yet the unseen hand of God (His Providence) is visible in the miraculous supernatural events that occur in the narrative as does in life.

God is super natural precisely because He does things super; i.e. very, very, naturally. God is so powerful that He does not need over powering and spectacular displays to reveal His nature. Instead He is low key. He is very, very, natural. So much so that even if His Name is not mentioned, even if no one gives Him the glory, His glory is ever present because His Divine will is ever being accomplished.

An Esther bible study will reveal the many ways God moved in the life of this Hebrew girl. As you study Esther, remember what God has done for others He will do for you.

[1] Herbert Lockyer, All The Women of the Bible, Grand Rapids, MI 49530: Zondervan Publishing House, . [2] J. Vernon McGee (John Vernon), Thru the Bible with J. Vernon McGee, Thomas Nelson, 1981.
