Genesis Bible Study

A Genesis Bible Study is like studying the "seed plot of the Bible." For in Genesis we have the embryonic seeds of great and marvelous Bible truths. This includes what I consider one of the most profound truths in scripture, the doctrine of sowing and reaping.

God has done his most glorious work through a seed (the seed of a woman). This simple truth is literally the foundation of the Kingdom of God, and carries enormous implications for every believer.

Thus a Genesis Bible Study is also a study of how God (used) and uses sowing and reaping to effect powerful change.

The following are just a few of the many seeds begun in Genesis that bear fruit in later books of the Bible.

In Genesis God is revealed (conceptualized in our minds) as the Creator and possessor of heaven and earth.

God reveals that he deals with man through the distinct yet harmonious offices of the triune Godhead. "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness Genesis 1:26 (KJV)."

What is Man that thou art mindful of him?:
In Genesis Bible study man is revealed as the pinnacle of God's creation. He is created with the power to name every living thing. "And whatsoever Adam called every living creature that was the name thereof. (Genesis 2:19)"

It seems clear that Adam is doing more than affixing labels. The implication is that in naming every living creature, he was in fact speaking into being (defining) the very nature of every creature. This is not an original creative work (as when God created the earth; instead this is a re-arranging of stuff God already created.

This notion is consistent with the understanding that Jesus is called the second (last) Adam. "The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit (1st Corinth. 15:46)." This suggests that the first Adam was endowed with similar authority as the last adam. In fact we read later that the fist Adam was given absolute "dominion" over everything on planet earth.

It's important to understand the implications of seed in this book of Genesis Bible study.

Genesis Bible strudy of chapter One reveals the original intent of Creator God for mankind. Genesis Bible study of Chapter Two reveals the fall of man. The remaining Genesis chapters and the Bible reveal God's plan of salvation for his creation. Genesis is the place where the seeds of our existence germinate.

In Genesis the "wiles of Satan are exposed." The enemy of mankind is not all powerful, but he is very intelligent. His weapons of choice are words. And words are spiritual things. Satan uses words "to call into question the Word of God, to cast doubt on its integrity, and to deny [1]" its truthfulness.

"In Genesis the truth of sovereign election is first exhibited." God chose Abraham out of throngs of idol worshippers. Than God chose Abraham's son Isaac over his other son Ishmael.

"In Genesis the truth of salvation is displayed." God covered the sin of the first man and woman with skins taken from slain animals. Thus revealing the principal "that without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins Hebrews (9:22)."

"In Genesis the truth of justification by faith is first made known." Genesis 15:6 (KJV), "And he (Abraham) believed in the LORD; and he God) counted it to him for righteousness." Notice that Abraham was without righteousness.

(In plain language, Abraham was broke. He didn't have the required currency; i.e. righteousness to deal with God.)

But because Abraham believed God's Word to him, God credited Abraham with righteousness. Pink notes," if righteousness was "counted" unto Abraham, then he had none of his own."

"In Genesis the security of the believer is strikingly illustrated." Noah's Ark is a type of Christ. As such it illustrates that believers are sealed in the "ark of safety" which is Christ; and are thus protected from the coming judgment of the world.

Genesis Bible study shows the Divine condescension of God and the exultation of man are first declared. The one who would bruise the serpent's head was to be the woman's seed. Since the woman has no seed, the one who would enter the world through her body was to be supernaturally conceived. He would be Son of Man but would have no human father.

Outline of Genesis Bible Study

Author: Moses (accepted by most scholars)

The book of beginnings:
A record of the beginning of the: universe, human race, sin, redemption, family life, corruption of society, nations, different languages, Jewish race.

Genesis Bible Study

Central Theme:
Man's original sin which caused a catastrophic change in the state of the human race; God's first moves to redeem man by a divine covenant made with a chosen people, whose early history is displayed.

Key Word: beginning

First prophecy of the messiah: Chapter 3:15


I.     The Creation
       a. of the universe; chapter 1:1-25
       b. of man; chapter 1:26-31

II.     The Story of the First People
       a. The temptation and fall; the personality   and character of the Tempter, the penalty of sin,             and the promise of a coming redeemer; chapter 3.
       b. The account of Cain and Abel, chapter 4
       c. The genealogy and death of the patriarchs; chapter 5
       d. The flood narrative; chapters 6,7,8
       e. The rainbow covenant and Noah's sin; chapter 9
       f. The descendants of Noah; chapter 10
       g. The confusion of tongues at Babel, chapter 11

III.    The Early History of the Chosen People
       1.The life of Abraham
       a.   The account of Abraham and Lot; chapters 13,14
       b.   The divine revelations and promises to Abraham
       c.   The destruction of Sodom; chapters 18,19
       d.   The birth of Isaac; chapters 20,21
       e.   The test of his obedience; chapter 22

       2The life of Isaac
       a. His birth, chapter 21:3
       b. Hiis marriage, chapter 24
       c. The birth of sons Jacob and Esau, chapter 25:20-26
       d. His later years, chapters 26, 27

       3. The life of Jacob
       a. His trickery to secure the birthright chapter 27:1-29
       b. His vision of the heavenly ladder, chapter 28:10-22
       c. His marriage and life in Padan-aram, chapters 28-31

[1] Arthur W. Pink, Gleanings In Genesis, The Moody Bible Institute of Chicago, 1981.
